UK Resettlement Scheme (UKRS)

Resettlement arrivals to the UK were suspended in March 2020 as a result of the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. This delayed completion of SVPRS and VCRS resettlement schemes. However, in November 2020 the UK Government announced restarting of resettlement arrivals with the aim to complete the commitment to resettle 20,000 individuals from Syria. 

Following on from this, politicians from all 32 councils confirmed that Scotland’s local authorities remain committed to supporting the UK’s role in resettling those who have to flee from prosecution in their country of origin and agreed to keep the voluntary scheme open to new arrivals beyond the end of the SVPRS and VCRS schemes. This commitment was upheld when the UK Government announced the UK Resettlement Scheme in Spring 2021.

The approach of UKRS expands on the work of SVPRS and VCRS by resettling refugees in line with the global need identified by UNHCR, typically from countries hosting large populations of refugees such as those bordering countries with conflicts, where resettlement may be the only durable solution. This provides refugees with a safe and legal route to the UK. 

You can find further information on the UKRS here.