PLEASE NOTE: On 30 January, a range of provisions within Part 5 of the Nationality and Borders Act came into force. Alongside these changes, the Reasonable Grounds (RG) test within the National Referral Mechanism has been amended – decision makers will now consider whether there are reasonable grounds, based on objective factors, to believe an individual is a victim. An objective factor is a piece of information or evidence based in fact. Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy partners are reflecting on these changes, including implications for the guidance detailed within the Toolkit. While the Toolkit remains available, please note that it is very likely changes will be required and you should seek advice if you are unsure about the new requirements or RG decision-making threshold.
This toolkit clarifies the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) process for Scottish First Responders by explaining the process in detail and in an easy-to-follow format. It aims to help ensure that the quality of information included in NRM referrals is high, and that First Responders better understand the implications of a referral and the NRM process.